Week 1 of 2010 this was my meal plan:
1. 6 egg whites, topped with sauteed spinach and either tomatoes or mushrooms, seasoned with S&P and salsa

2. 3/8c (measured dry) gluten-free oats (
Only Oats), 2T flax seeds, sweetened with 1Tbsp
agave nectar
3. 1/2c brown rice and sprouted mung beans (mixed) and roasted vegetables
4. 2c (approx) mixed raw vegetable sticks including carrots, peppers, cucumbers etc., side of mixed seeds & nuts (1Tbsp sunflower seeds, 1 Tbsp pumpkin seeds, 10 almonds)
5. 1 large green salad including 1/2 avocado, tomatoes, etc. and more roasted vegetables
Post Work-out: 1/2 serving (1 scoop)
Vega Whole Food OptimizerAs always I drink as much water as I possibly can (at least 3L a day). I get home from the office and unwind with a cup of caffeine-free herbal tea.
My roasted vegetables this week were big treats- roasted rutabagas and roasted brussel sprouts. I had roasted them separately, but mixed them as I wanted. I'm trying to stay seasonal and rutabagas are a good root vegetable to have in the winter months.
Wednesday morning I wanted a cup of coffee, so I had one with almond milk and agave nectar. And Tuesday night I wanted something sweet so I sipped a can of diet (splenda-sweetened) pop, but only drank about 1/4 of it.
It's a pretty nicely balanced week.
Out with friends I had a glass of red wine, and then switched to soda water with a lime wedge (so I don't miss out on the ritual of having a drink with friends, and maintain moderation). Husband had his favourite- Moose Tracks ice cream on Friday (his 'cheat meal') and I had a small bowl.
Now, I'm looking forward to week 2. There are turkey meatballs in the oven for Husband's meals. I've also got a pot of brown rice steaming, and a pot of black beans boiling on the stove for both our meals. It's going to be another great week.