What a pleasant morning; I love the rain, even day after day after day. I had a good run on the treadmill this morning (3 10min run, 1 min walk cycles for a total of 30 min plus warm up and cool down). Didn't want to drown my sneakers outside; I don't mind the rain coming down on me when I run, but I hate having it splash up. Besides, the storm drains are so backed up that there are lakes in the middle of the intersections- I could have gone for a swim. I completed my training for the day by doing my full body circuit and 30 min of intervals on the bike while reading contracts. Must multi-task!
After my morning jog, I tried Peanut Butter Boy's pb banana omlette using my regular egg whites. Mine was not at all photogenic, otherwise I would share it with you. But, for such a strange combination (eggs, banana, pb) it was delicious. I used organic, all-peanut pb, so it didn't melt as nicely as his. I'll get better at flipping omlettes and try to post my next one.
And now to the picture above; a delicious GF (gluten free) pizza crust (available at Superstore in the frozen specialty items) topped with tomato sauce, goat cheese, spinach and chicken. This was a treat on the weekend, for my 1130am meal. The crust browns nicely on the bottom, but still stays soft as I like it. The spinach wilts just enough, but does not become too soggy and the chicken crisps nicely without being too dry.
Personal size Spinach Chicken Goat Cheese Pizza (I'm not one for short titles eh?)
1 frozen GF pizza crust
1.5c fresh spinach
2Tbsp tomato sauce (or substitute for your fave GF bbq or teriaki sauce for a twist)
3 oz cooked, cubed chicken breast
1 oz crumbled goat cheese
1/2 fresh tomato, cubed
Brush crust with tomato sauce, top with spinach, cheese, chicken and fresh tomatos. Bake on a grill or cookie sheet for 10 min at 400F or until cheese is softened and crust is nicely browned.
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