1. Once home from the grocery store, immediately wash and cut your vegetables, and store. Then make a batch of hummus for the week. I divide the hummus into individual containers as I need it.

2. Next, just mix a bunch up into take-away containers for a couple days at a time. Here I've created two days' worth of veggie sticks to go. When they run out, I'll head back to my veg stash to make more. Also, the pre-cut and washed veg can be chopped for evening salads!

4.Thrown over some spinach, that concoction becomes my lunch for the day.
5. Then it's onto my morning snack- my beloved hot cereal, either oats or creamy rice.

And that's it. I throw some Vega into a bottle every morning, and add it all together for my day's worth of healthy, whole foods. Wherever I go, my lunch bag goes with me.