Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Leg Training: Stregth

I'm using a new trainer, he's the most relentless, punishing and motivating trainer I have ever had: my husband. I had always shied away from mixing training and marriage, but gave it a try because I over-thought training as usual and he could offer a fresh, no-cost perspective. Do you train with your partner/spouse?
He's got me decreasing my training, because he could see I was over-doing again; a trap I fall into because I think nothing of spending hours in the gym during the day on top of a pre-breakfast workout. He can see it from a different focal point, and notices changes in my body sometimes before I do. Excellent qualities for a trainer to have; and also, he wants the best for me- to be happy and healthy. I can say that he has picked up some of Jillian Micheal's hard-core don't-quit diatribes which he enjoys spouting at me when I give up.

He picked a great program from my most recent Oxygen magazine. And here is what I did today for legs:
Duration: 35min Quads/Hams/Calves alternating Heavy/Light
Smith Machine Squats (70lbs, 4 sets, 6 reps) Heavy
Reverse Lunges (5lb Dumbbells, 4 sets, 15 reps) Light
Hamstring Curls (75lbs, 4 sets, 6 reps) Heavy
Deadlifts (20lbs, 4 sets, 6 reps) Heavy
Standing Calf Raises (5lb Dumbbels, 4 sets, 15 reps)
I'll increase my weight on a few of these next week; it's a new program so I'm testing my strength. I'm also just getting back into structured weight training after a hiatus into aerobics and interval (strength and cardio) training. Feels great to have legs so sore I can barely stand in my 3" heels at work after. Accomplished!

Cookies and Milk make me sad

Read this if you're curious whether your dairy and/or gluten intolerance contributes to any blue moods you have.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fresh: Meals and Training

Meals were simple this week, and free of any sugar, dairy or gluten. I really wanted to eliminate sugar this week, including fruit sugars. I've noticed they dry out my skin and I hold more water weight when I have fruit. Slower digesting carbohydrates are much nicer for a lean physique.
Meal 1: 6 egg whites (3/4cup), sauteed vegetables, 1/8c creamy rice, 2Tbsp ground flax, 2Tbsp salba, 2 cups mate tea
Meal 2: 3oz tuna with 1/2c kitcheree (mung beans and rice spiced with curry)
Meal 3: 3oz chicken, 1/2c acorn squash roasted with cinnamon on the grill
Meal 4: 2c raw vegetables (mixed ie: carrots, peppers, broccoli) and 3oz chicken or tuna
Meal 5: 2c cooked vegetables, 3oz chicken, fish or pork tenderloin

Training is amped this week to gear up for the upcoming spring and summer season! Doesn't it feel good to emerge from hibernation. There is a lightness of body I've experienced since the season turned lighter and warmer. So much easier to log those cardio hours.
Monday: 45 strength/cardio intervals DVD
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: 20 min Level 1 30 Day Shred, 40 min cardio
Thursday: 40 min cardio, 40 minute fitness class (strength and cardio)
Friday: 20 min Level 2 30 Day Shred, 40 min cardio
Saturday: 20 min Level 3 30 Day Shred, 40 min cardio
Sunday: 60 min yoga, 40 min cardio